The Coathangers "Watch Your Back" music video debuts on
I had so much fun working on this video project with The Coathangers. Not only was it special watching them record their best album to date, it was really cool to shoot in the old Valentine Recording studio in North Hollywood. The Coathangers are literally the first band to record inside Valentine Studios after it had been closed for almost 30 years. It was like hanging out in a time capsule of sorts.
Check out the article about the band and song on here. In The Coathangers own words: "The video for ‘Watch Your Back’ is an inside look at us in the studio recording our new album, and a glimpse of our adventures on the road in between recording sessions. It’s a visual diary of what we have been doing for the past year—writing, playing, touring, recording and celebrating. It’s been a while since we actually appeared in our own videos for more than just a cameo. It's kind of evidence that we still exist!"
Artist: The Coathangers Title: Watch Your Back Directed, Shot, and Edited by: Matt Odom / Special thanks to Brian Malone for festival footage. Album: Black Lips/The Coathangers Split 7" Label: Suicide Squeeze Records Link to buy: Facebook: Twitter: @TheCoathangers Artist Instagram: @thecoathangers Label Instagram: @suicidesqueeze