Three days on the road with The Coathangers.
My love affair with The Coathangers started on April 27, 2007. I stumbled across them doing at show (or at least singing back up at a show) with Thee Crucials at The Earl in Atlanta. Fiesty, cute, punk-poppy... there was no way not to like them! I shot them a number of times, including a spread for an Alternative Apparel catalog. We developed a mutual artistic respect, and in 2008, we worked together in creating my first music video for their track "Tanya Harding". Since then, we'd run into each other occasionally, but haven't done anything since.
A little less than a year ago, I got to reunite with them when they played a show out here in L.A. We got to talking after the show and we decided that we needed to find a way to shoot another music video together. We vowed we'd do something next time they came out, preferably in the desert. Granted, this conversation took place at 2AM, over drinks, in a back-alley L.A. bar... so whether or not this would actually happen was definitely anyone's guess.
A few months back, we revisited out hope to make another video together via email, and settled on a three day window in March of this year, where I'd fly to Tucson to meet them on tour, then shoot a video for them as we toured from Tucson, across the desert to San Diego, then up to L.A.
Well, I left for Tucson this past wednesday and when we finally met up at Hotel Congress, I think we were all surprised we actually managed to meet up and start shooting a video! After three days on the road, three shows, and the shooting of footage for our next video collaboration together, I'm as big a fan as ever, and better friends than ever.
I had a fantastic time (thanks so much ladies!!), I'm excited to begin the video edit, and I managed to create some very cool photos with them while on the road. Enjoy!!
(Click on either image below to see the galleries after the jump...)